Previous Years EESCC Publications

Monthly Newsletters - Club Information

Date Document (Click to read) Author (Click to send Email) Comments
December 07, 1966 December 1966 Newsletter Ted Long Some of the topics are: A Word From Our President; December Meeting; New Members; Cross Currents; To the Members of eescc; Beware (you must read this) and other topics were discussed.
November 02, 1966 November 1966 Newsletter Ted Long This was the first issue (Vol. I, No. 1) of the "Full Chat" Newsletter from eescc. Some of the topics are: Hello!; eescc Drives for MD (Muscular Dystophy); November Meeting; Alcohol Fuels Sports Car (owners) plus more
October 01, 1966 October 1966 Newsletter Erskine Wood Some of the topics are: Annual Banquet; Halloween Rallies; TDS * Poker Rallye; October Fest / Scavenger Rally
September 01, 1966 September 1966 Newsletter Unknown Some of the topics are: August Rallye Results; September Meeting (New point system); Concours D' Elegance; September Safari; October meeting; October Rallyes
August 01, 1966 August 1966 Newsletter Unknown Some of the topics are: July "Sunset Ballye"; Sick Spies; August Rallye; September Rallye; Booze (this is an interesting topic they discussed); September meeting; New cars in the club; Joint rallye
July 13, 1966 July 1966 Newsletter Unknown They didn't really have a name for the newsletter at this point they just had a title of "emerald empire sports car club". The body was just called "Newsnotes".
June 22, 1966 June 1966 Newsletter Unknown Fred Jasmer was the President.
May 25, 1966 May 1966 Newsletter Unknown This newsletter didn't have much info to identify even what the month and year were (did figure out it was May 1966 by the postmark with a 4 cent stamp).

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